4 Moving Tips and Tricks

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Moving from your house to another is a big job. You may think it won’t take long, but once you begin packing, you’ll start to realize you have a lot more stuff than you originally thought. If you are not prepared for it, moving can take forever, so here are some great moving tips and tricks that will help you be prepared and make the process go smoother.

  • Donate, Donate, Donate. As you start to pack, you will probably notice you have some items that you don’t really need to hold onto anymore. This means it’s time to start a donation pile. Go through each room one by one and sort through everything you own. You will be surprised to see how big your donation pile is after you have sorted through everything. The more you donate, the less you have to pack and haul with you.
  • Look into Moving Companies. Hiring a moving company to handle your move will save you a lot of time and stress. Let movers handle packing, loading, and moving everything for you. This way, you can focus on other important things like saying goodbye to friends and family, canceling utility services, and other important tasks that need to be done before you move.
  • Create a List and Schedule. Make sure to create a list of all the things you need to do before your move and before the movers arrive. These tasks can be anything from cleaning your refrigerator before the move to finalizing the sale of your home. Making a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish and creating a schedule of when to do them will keep you stay organized and on top of things.
  • Label and Take Pictures. Make sure you label all your boxes, so it is easy to find everything after the move. Also, take pictures of furniture, so you know how to assemble it at your new place. It is also a good idea to take photos of all your valuable belongings in case they get lost or broken in the move.

These tips and tricks are just a few tips that will make your move a success. If you are moving and in need of some help, call us at Port City Movers and we will provide all the supplies and help you need.