Essential Moving Supplies You Need for a Successful Move

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Moving is a task that most people dread because it is time-consuming and overwhelming, and there is always a lot to think about. However, having the right moving supplies ahead of time can make the entire process easier. By organizing yourself, you will save lots of time and energy that you can put towards setting up your new home.

Essential Moving Supplies You Need for a Successful Move

Here are some essential moving supplies you need to make your move successful.

  • Boxes – The first thing you will need for your move is boxes in multiple sizes. It’s always a good idea to pick up more boxes than you will need. Larger boxes can hold large or heavy items, and smaller boxes are great for delicate and fragile items. Make sure to label each box with contents and designated room as you go.
  • Packing Tape and Dispenser –Another item you will need for your move is packing tape along with a dispenser for easier use. Make sure to pick up heavy-duty tape, so your boxes hold together and don’t break open.
  • Bubble and Stretch Wrap –Bubble wrap is an essential moving supply that can protect your valuable items. Stretch wrap can hold drawers closed and wrap mirrors, TVs, and other things that can use an extra layer of protection.
  • Furniture Pads and Moving Blankets – Another important thing you will want to consider is how you will protect your furniture. Blankets are great to wrap around chairs and couches, and furniture pads can help prevent scratches during the move.

If you have questions regarding what moving supplies you need for your specific move or where to purchase these materials, give us a call. We can help you get everything you need for your move.